Flexible climate-neutral steam generation on site
The transition in the European energy market away from fossil fuels and towards renewable energy sources is also changing how steam is generated. Steam generators by SAMSON allow steam to be generated directly on site where it is needed without having to use oil or gas. There are many technical advantages in favor of electric steam generators. What is more, the generators are climate neutral when powered by green electricity, i.e. electricity produced from renewable sources.
Learn more about our steam generation solution
Power ratings of up to 300 kW are possible for the industrial-grade electric steam generators. The units consist of a boiler housing, control valves and a control module integrated into one enclosure. The hot steam, reaching temperatures of up to 184 °C, is available within a very short time. The units can deliver steam to meet varying heat or steam requirements. They can be custom made to meet application-specific requirements by selecting options, such as a mobile base, containerized boiler room, blowdown vessel or feedwater system.
Ready-to-use units
Electric steam generators dispense with the need for special structural arrangements like flues, which are imperative for the operation of conventional oil- or gas-powered steam generators. Another advantage is that electric steam generators require very little installation work, which makes them perfect ready-to-use units.
Deepen your knowledge
- The compact steam generator has an industrial-grade stainless steel housing. This makes it ideally suited for continuous operation in a demanding environment.
- The optional mobile console allows the electric steam generator to be used flexibly at various points of demand. Thanks to its heating capacity, however, it is also suitable for continuous operation in small boiler plants.
- The electric steam generator can be used in a wide range of applications. Originally intended for the heating of pilot and laboratory plants as well as test stands, it is now also widely used in the larger version in the industrial sector.
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